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All application processes for complete coverage
Allegheny Coatings is capable of providing all standard coating application processes, such as automated dip-spin and rack spray, while also providing customized minicoater dipspin, hand spray, and other processes at all of its facilities. The company continues to expand its repertoire of available coating processes to best service the changing needs of industry. Click on a process icon for more information.
Liquid Coating Application
Rack spray, dip spin, and mini-coater processes are primarily for applying wet, liquid paints, whether solvent or water based. Allegheny Coatings' licensed zinc-aluminum flake coatings, high-temperature resistant coatings, and dry film lubricants are typically applied using these processes depending on the parameters required by the specification.
Surface Preparation
Alkaline cleaning, media blasting, and part sealing are all preconditioning processes used to prepare the surface of the part prior to coating application. Alkaline cleaning is best for chemically degreasing or removing oils, while media blasting is best for physically removing prior coatings or surface imperfections. Part sealing is to fill porous powder metal parts prior to applying a surface coating.
Specialty Applications & Services
Electroplating, hand spray, and added services are additional service offerings of Allegheny Coatings. Electroplating includes zinc plating, zinc nickel, zinc phosphating, manganese phosphating, and other related processes. Hand spraying is best for exceptionally large, low volume part configurations.
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